Funny Little Boxes 1991

Funny Little Boxes Debuts First Original Build—the 1991 Leave a comment

UK-headquartered Funny Little Boxes has entered the pedal building arena with its first masterpiece—the 1991.

According to Funny Little Boxes, “The 1991 is a dirt pedal that will provide everything from sparkly clean boost to face-melting distortion and has been specifically designed to capture the spirit and prevalent sound of the awesome music released in 1991,” adding that:

“The overarching aim was to capture the sound of the Ten album by Pearl Jam and the blueprint for the sound is a mid-forward drive pedal being pushed into a cranked, high-gain amplifier.”

Exact details of Pearl Jam guitarists Stone Gossard and Mike McCready’s rigs back then are hardly available. However, the iconic distorted tones are allegedly possible by combining a SansAmp Distortion with either Marshall JCMs, Ibanez TS9 or SD9.

While the new stompbox aims to emulate the iconic tones from Pearl Jam’s legendary album, Ten, it also seems to be handy for re-creating the sounds of other rock bands from that year.

The 1991 stompbox is selling like hotcakes for £99. The first two runs are already out of stock, so stay tuned to the Funny Little Boxes page or sign up to their mailing list for updates on the next batch.

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